Hi, Here's a bit about me. I've been married 36 years. Back in the day I took floral design courses. Then spent many years in hospitality. So I put those two skills together and stepped into the wedding business in 2014. I love to take a special moment and turn it into lifetime memory. I'm very proud of my home town, Ventura. The beaches and the ocean views here are spectacular. My perfect day is sitting on the beach on a clear sunny day with an In and Out burger and a girlfriend.
Besides the beach I also love Scary Movies, Reality TV, and Chocolate of any kind.
Trust me, a beach wedding sounds simple and beautiful until you start asking questions and you don't know where to start. With Beachside Memories you can have an intimate and romantic day with no fuss. You can trust your wedding day will be a beautiful memory.
See you at the beach!
Tina Brett
Hi, Here's a bit about me. I've been married 36 years. Back in the day I took floral design courses. Then spent many years in hospitality. So I put those two skills together and stepped into the wedding business in 2014. I love to take a special moment and turn it into lifetime memory. I'm very proud of my home town, Ventura. The beaches and the ocean views here are spectacular. My perfect day is sitting on the beach on a clear sunny day with an In and Out burger and a girlfriend.
Besides the beach I also love Scary Movies, Reality TV, and Chocolate of any kind.
Trust me, a beach wedding sounds simple and beautiful until you start asking questions and you don't know where to start. With Beachside Memories you can have an intimate and romantic day with no fuss. You can trust your wedding day will be a beautiful memory.
See you at the beach!
Tina Brett
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